Finikounda - Elenas Taverna parking
Unfortunately, the weather forecast for this Saturday promises rain and especially strong wind.
We will therefore meet on Sunday 22 December at the meeting point in Finikounda Elena Tavern at 3pm for the walk.
On the way back we will go to Elena's restaurant to toast Christmas and dine together.
We start at Elenas Taverna.
We walk over the hill towards Anemomilos, then we turn right and walk through the village towards Loutsa.
We pass the bee hives and walk through an olive grove towards the beach.
We walk along the beach then back to Finikounda.
We will start the evening by tasting "Vin Chaud" prepared by Marion and Prosecco and cookies.
A dinner of Greek specialities will follow.
The cost is €25 per person excluding drinks.
To facilitate the organisation of the evening, we should have a confirmation from you if you'd like to join the dinner at Monday 16th of December.
If you prefer a main course without meat, you should let us know as well at the same data.
You can use the form below or contact Marion&Pier or our email address
You can register for the dinner directly with this form, till Monday 16th of December indicating how many people are participating and your choice for the main course.
The chronicle of today
24 Freewalkers gathered for our traditional Christmas walk+dinner which, due to bad weather conditions, we had to postpone by one day.
Today a mostly sunny day awaited us as we set off from our meeting point for a short but beautiful walk.
We walked around Finikounda and then returned on the beach to the Elena restaurant where we spent the evening.
We were welcomed with a warm and fragrant Glühwein prepared by Marion.
We then toasted with the wish that we would see our Manfred and Karin here with us again soon.
Then later on, we enjoyed the tasty specialities prepared for dinner.
It was a beautiful afternoon followed by a beautiful evening and we enjoyed the welcome we received at the Elena restaurant.
See you next Saturday, 28th of December, at 10 am in Viglia for the last walk in this 2024.
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