We received a very positive appreciation from two loyal walkers ..... very inspiring to read

“Dear Loved Team
Thank you!!!!! All in the Team for many years amazing and perfect walks. We have been staying here during our holidays for nearly twenty years. But we learned  you (freewalkers group) , the landscape, people and, not-but least our great neighbors, if English, Dutch, Greek, Italian, French, Swiss, Austrian...better, after we met you.
Whatever it made and makes us „rich“ in the ️ Heart
The social contacts became friendship..🥰
Good luck, please stand the virus covid problems continuous bravely
Our respect, great thank you and  love
Antje and Dieter”

Dear freewalkers, friends of our walking community   There is good news! From 15 May we can “exercise” outside in bigger groups. No longer in very different small "bubbles" , but all together the same walk. So the first walk of 2021 is planned on 15 May. Of course with respect for the remaining measures! Remember the concept of the Freewalkers: A real freewalkerswalk is open for everyone and you can find the information about the walks on our website. But is the announced walk too long, too short, too far away or is the weather not convenient for you or whatever, no problem, welcome to join another time! So keep as usual an eye on the site www.freewalkers.eu  We hope to see you 15 May!

On Friday 19 February we put for the 25th time the pictures of individual walkers on the freewalkers website, Overview week 07!!!! That means that already during 25 weeks we couldn’t  walk all together. So, no announced walks on the site, no groups, small or huge, walking and talking  through the beautiful landscape, also no more opportunity for our usual drink after every walk. Together with the fact that everybody is always welcome to join our walks, makes this the unique concept of the freewalkers. We all miss it. But one thing remained: the weekly pictures you share with us  on the site. Thank you so much! It connects us and says: we never give up, later on this year we will walk all together again!!!!!

Like we did before, during the first lockdown: If you go outside, please take pictures and send these to our email address This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  Every week we shall put a selection on the site. Take pictures of everything you see during your allowed walks, the landscape, maybe animals, flowers in your garden, the beautiful Greek sky, a selfie (if you dare..)....... whatever. A lot of people will enjoy this pictures very much!!!!

Keep yourself fit and healthy, keep walking....

For the second time this year we will respect the measures the Greek Government took because of the threatening of Covid 19. So at least for the coming weeks we stop organizing the group walks. We hope to see you all again in better times! In the meantime keep walking, enjoy  the landscape and most important....stay safe!

The freewalker team  🌄🌅